About Karen Simmons

Karen Simmons-Sicoli, mother of a son with autism and the founder of Autism Today, this was one of the first books of its kind and it continues to be a classic in the autism community.

My Life

Born in Oklahoma, in 1951, Karen L Simmons Sicoli had her first book published in 1996 by Future Horizon’s, Inc. based in Arlington, Texas. Her book, Little Rainman, Autism Through The Eyes of A Child was written to raise awareness about the early detection signs of autism. It has sold over 10,000 copies worldwide to parents and educators of these special children.

She was raised in the south, joined the U.S. Air Force in 1970 and received an honorable discharge in 1974. She then moved to the West Coast to become a Gemologist in 1976. Upon graduation, she began her own company, The Gemologist, in Bellevue Washington and ran it until 1981 when she met her true love Jim Sicoli, from Canada and moved, sight unseen, to Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Following the birth of her sixth child, Karen almost died, was given less than a one percent chance to live and even given her “last rites”. This “Miracle Lady” , as she was eloquently referred to by the hospital personnel, was called back to life through the love and care of a very special group of people.

Though her first published book happened in 1996, Karen’s near death experience happened in 1994 and it has taken until now to bring this writing into fruition. She still lives in Sherwood Park, just outside of Edmonton, with her six children and husband, her true “gems”.

Personal Life

She is also the owner of Exceptional Resources, Inc., the exclusive Canadian distributor carrying over 150 titles on autism, aspergers syndrome and related disorders. Just recently she launched two new businesses online. She is now the editor of one, an online magazine called AutismToday.com.

As well, she runs a conference listing service called AutismConferences.com and is the founder of the KEEN Education Foundation. The mission of KEEN Education is to build a life for children with exceptional needs to ensure that they receive support, equipment, services and education that lead to the fullest possible individual development and social inclusion. Karen is also an international presenter and has been featured in international publications such as “Womans World”.

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