Recommended by Dr. Temple Grandin
Recommended by world-renowned author and speaker Dr. Temple Grandin, this children’s book paints a picture of what life is like for children with autism. Unique illustrations accompany a child’s voice as he explains the different ways he thinks, sees, hears, and feels. This book is great for reading to children with or without autism to encourage acceptance and understanding.

A Word From The Author
Written by Karen Simmons-Sicoli, mother of a son with autism and the founder of Autism Today, this was one of the first books of its kind and it continues to be a classic in the autism community.
Karen Simmons
Founder - Author - Entrepreneur
What Readers Are Saying
“Little Rainman shows that autism can be seen and understood by everyone. After reading this book full of miraculous pictures, I feel greater love, compassion and understanding of a situation that somehow touches us all sooner or later.”
Mark Victor Hansen
Co-creator, #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul
Thank you for allowing us to share your stories with our readers. It was one of the most touching and unforgettable I have ever worked on.
Kathy Fitzpatrick
Writer, Woman's World Magazine
You Karen, have opened the door for many who face similar problems of understanding and I commend your efforts. On behalf of Strathcona County Council, I extend to you my sincere congratulations and appreciation for all that has been accomplished in this community and beyond.
Vern Hartwell
Mayor Strathcona County
A parent has written this book. A parent who has found the necessary strength and passion to nurture her child within a world, which is often uncomprehending. When a child has this kind of support at home, there is no limit to their life. Thank you for a book, which helps those living with autism, speak to their world.
Sherri Williams